newrelease: notepad++ v4.5

E’ appena uscita la nuova versione di Notepad++ v4.5

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Notepad++ v4.5 just came out

Notepad++ is a free generic source code editor and Notepad replacement, which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment.

The latest Notepad++ release (v4.5) is available here :

The “auto add extension” behaviour in save dialog implemented in v4.4 has a back-draw.
It does not allow users to save files with the extensions they want.
This behaviour is tuned up in this version as following :
1. The filter *.* don’t change the extension at all, whatever users type.
2. The file save dialog will be launched with the filter *.* set as default. So user can add any customized extension.
3. Choose other filters will change extension of file automatically.
For example, a file name “toto.php” will be changed to “toto.txt” if the filter Normal Text “*.txt” is chosen.

It’s a better compromise IMO for the ones who need the “auto add extension” feature and those who don’t.

Another implemented feature in this version is to associate a session extension to Notepad++, so that when Notepad++ opens such file, the session (a set of files) will be opened
but not session file itself.
Once users define their session file extension (in Preference dialog->MISC), a session can be opened not only via File load session command, but also via whichever way.

Notepad++ v4.5 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.4) :

1. Fix crash issue while the launch the session file which contains the same file in 2 views (clone mode).
2. Add the session file extension association feature.
3. Enhance the read/write config.xml to avoid crash.
4. Add new -ro and -noSession command line parameters.
5. Fix Russian display problem in the shortcut mapper.
6. Fix NPPN_SHUTDOWN notification bug.

Included plugins :

1. TexFX v0.24a
2. Function list v1.2
3. ConvertExt v1.1
4. NppExec v0.2 beta 4
5. Spell checker v1.2
6. Quick text v0.02
7. Light Explorer v1.4
8. Hex editor v0.84

For further information about this project, see:

and the project page:

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