project honey pot

tempo fa ero stato vittima di un massiccio attacco di comment-spam nel mio blog e mi ero prefissato di partecipare al

bhe l’ho fatto e l’altro giorno mi è arrivata questa email che mi informava che il mio honeypot ne ha beccato uno nuovo !!!!

Marco —
Regardless of how the rest of your day goes, here’s something to be happy about

today a honey pot you installed successfully identified a previously unknown email harvester (IP:
The harvester was caught by your honey pot installed at:

You can find information about your newly identified harvester here:

Info on all the harvesters that have been spotted by this honey pot is also available here:

Don’t forget to tell your friends you made the Internet a little better today.


Thanks from the entire Project Honey Pot team and, we’re sure if they knew,
from the Internet community as a whole.

che bello finalmente uno spammone che finisce nele black list grazie (anche) a me…

se siete curiosi dell’iniziativa datci un’occhiata…


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