“Bologna, maxi rissa tra bande La lite parte sul web poi degenera” http://t.co/NA11eUoaL9
— marco acorte (@acor3) September 14, 2013
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September 14, 2013 at 09:05AM
I'm NaN… I'm a Fr33 man… ahahhahaha
“Bologna, maxi rissa tra bande La lite parte sul web poi degenera” http://t.co/NA11eUoaL9
— marco acorte (@acor3) September 14, 2013
via Twitter https://twitter.com/acor3
September 14, 2013 at 09:05AM
quando la stupidità rientra dalle vacanze http://t.co/puOcjxvRHq
— marco acorte (@acor3) September 13, 2013
via Twitter https://twitter.com/acor3
September 13, 2013 at 04:41PM
Perchè di fatto non sensibilizza per niente sul tema del cancro al seno.
Una volta che al maschietto viene spiegato il trucco viene indirizzato a fare qualcosa a favore della lotta al cancro? NO.
Di fatto sta alimentando inutili e sterili flame su facebook maschi Vs femmine, distogliendo praticamente dallo scopo dal quale era partito il tentativo iniziale.
Quindi per me
VADO A X PER Y MESI è un #viral #marketing #fail
#avte e #cultuva passano anche pev i #cancelletti
— marco acorte (@acor3) September 13, 2013
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September 13, 2013 at 03:36PM
Who is a #maker http://t.co/hUProJQj09 #digitalia
— marco acorte (@acor3) September 12, 2013
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September 12, 2013 at 01:56PM
“FTC opens inquiry into Facebook’s proposed data use changes” http://t.co/AzSkcdJMb2
— marco acorte (@acor3) September 12, 2013
via Twitter https://twitter.com/acor3
September 12, 2013 at 08:36AM
“Private email service Lavabit begins legal fight against the government order that shut it down” http://t.co/IvnXLvPJw8
— marco acorte (@acor3) September 12, 2013
via Twitter https://twitter.com/acor3
September 12, 2013 at 08:33AM
“Email sul latte poco credibile” http://t.co/SRfJUrMADj
— marco acorte (@acor3) September 12, 2013
via Twitter https://twitter.com/acor3
September 12, 2013 at 08:25AM
“POS obbligatorio? I professionisti del Web scrivono al ministro Zanonato” http://t.co/VuHIe2WjiP
— marco acorte (@acor3) September 12, 2013
via Twitter https://twitter.com/acor3
September 12, 2013 at 08:13AM
#Intel introduces #Quark, a tiny #chip for the #internetofthings » good read #digitalia http://t.co/4wyDnPqIfx via @feedly
— marco acorte (@acor3) September 11, 2013
via Twitter https://twitter.com/acor3
September 11, 2013 at 03:42PM